Saturday, April 29, 2006

Away From My Desk

Dearest readers -- I have been away on travel and won't be back for a couple of weeks. I'm going to do my best during this time to keep the site updated with words of wisdom and tales of the Devil's trickery, as well as respond to all of your comments, but you may find the site lacking its usual depth of divine inspiration. As a result, I suggest you all comment between yourselves and answer a few questions I've been meaning to ask you all (don't feel like you need to answer all of them):

1)do you accept the fact that the Bible is Word of God?

2)do you believe Jesus Christ is the son of God?

3)if you don't believe 1) but believe 2), how do you reconcile the two beliefs?

4)do you believe in Heaven and/or Hell, and what do you think they're like (assuming you believe in them)?

5)in the alternative to 4), what do you think happens to us after death?

6)if you don't believe in the Bible, God, Jesus, and/or the Devil, how do you define good and evil?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Shame and Humiliation -- A Lesson For Children

shame, shame,
shame on you!

hellbound child
you are
lost, lost --
lost and wild!

like a king
on this earth,
you are
mighty, mighty --
mighty and powerful

but naked, shivering,
before the Lord
you, you
shall fall
on His sword!

shame, shame,
shame on you!


it's not too late!
too late,
too late
to avoid this fate!

Learn humility
or be humiliated:

trapped and groaning,
Hell awaits,
Hell awaits!

broken and whipped,
Hell awaits,
Hell awaits!

crushed then reborn,
Hell awaits,
Hell awaits!


it's not too late!
too late,
too late
to avoid this fate!

cleanse the Earth,
punish sinners:

hang them,
burn them
until you turn them
to the Lord,
to the Lord!

cut and smother them,
smash and pain them
until you chain them
to the Lord,
to the Lord!


read the Bible,
don't dare sin,
love the Lord
and be born again!


ashamed, ashamed!
you will stand
before the Lord
and fall, fall,
fall on His sword!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sex in a Spray, Devil in a Bottle

We are surrounded by sex; it's on television, in music, on billboards, all slickly packaged by the Devil so we can be tempted into his arms. There was a more perfect time when husbands and wives did not even sleep in the same bed, lest they be tempted into fornication for pleasure rather than baby-making, and this was a time when America was great and all-powerful. People who dared express sexuality were castigated, such that all sexual perversion was scared out of our God-fearing, Christian society. Homosexuality was driven deep underground, and rarely did one see women and men living together who were not married. Sexually transmitted diseases? Those were for whores and their God-less lovers.

Then came the dirty hippies and their witchcraft, taking LSD, smoking pot, sleeping with one another the way animals do in the wild. Subliminally brainwashing children with their Devil rock music, they were able to open the minds of an entire generation to Satan, so where once people like Jessica Simpson would be stoned for being a whore, she is now held up as a role model for women.

But of course the Devil never rests, and he is currently working on many more ways with which to corrupt our society into fornicating itself to eternal damnation. None other than his most loyal of servants are on the task: scientists. Just look at this new scientific development -- sex in a spray! Certainly, it will be used by all manner of perverts, and it is only a matter of time before they begin spraying it on our children to tempt them into illicit relationships that lead to only one place: HELL. But not according to scientists. According to them, sex is good for us! It even prevents disease. To prove them wrong, we should send all the scientists to Africa, where they can copulate with locals. When they come back ridden with AIDS, their lies will be exposed for all to see.

Oh, but even worse: the Catholic Church, after years of lying in wait, drawing unaware Christian souls to it, is revealing its true colors as an instrument of the Devil. For years they told us that condoms were bad -- and rightly so, since, as I've said before, sex is only for marriage and only for producing children -- but now they are changing their position because of diseases like AIDS. And this is a clear affront to God, who condemns sinners with such diseases. It is only natural that those who abuse God's gift of childbirth experience pain and suffering, and trying to prevent it is a thumb in His eye. We should be giving diseases to fornicators, not preventing them. But we Christians can take solace in the fact that no condom in the universe will work in Hell. Sinners could wrap their entire bodies in condom and would still never escape eternal damnation and suffering.

With all of this going on, it is imperative that the true Christians of America unite and cast out this temptation of Satan. Luckily, some places are recognizing this duty.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Jesus Loves Shame and Humiliation

My brothers and sisters in Christ never fail to amaze me! As you all know, I've advocated using the tools of the Devil against Satan and his followers. One way is to incorporate the evil devices scientists have created into our own arsenal to spread the Word of God and to protect ourselves from further influence from the Devil. Another is to adopt some of their manipulative methods. And here is a perfect example of my brothers and sisters in action. Of course, the site I've linked to is planned parenthood, a group where many of its members eat fetus and placenta as part of weird satanic rituals, and of course the site complains about our Christian trickery, but my-oh-my have we behaved righteously. There is nothing wrong with duping those about to commit attempted murder, for they have been duped by the Devil into thinking it's okay to literally suck the life out of the unborn. I'm especially proud that the Christians responsible for this deception-of-life took the initiative to shame and humiliate the teenager by calling her parents' work, talking to her friends at school, and calling the police. Shame and humiliation are the perfect punishments for crimes against God, for it's exactly what the Hell-bound will experience for an eternity -- that and an infinite amount of pain and suffering. In the days of yore, shame and humiliation were encouraged. Just read the Scarlet Letter; just look to history and read about the public hangings and executions, about the tortures that would leave people permanently disabled and disfigured. There would be no need for jails, for we would all be too frightened to commit crimes. We would all cling to our belief in God and live righteously. Just thinking about it has inspired me to go write another poem. I'm thinking it will be for children, since they are especially susceptible to S&H. I will, of course, post it when I am done.

Jesus Loves the UK

Despite the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, America owes its life to Britain. They may have been fleeing England in search of religious freedom, but America's first settlers were instilled with the glorious values of the Bible in Britain, as well as the imperialist dreams and ingenuity that have made the United States what is today. And for that we owe England everything. We've come to their aid in time of war -- and this was important, no doubt -- but we've watched in silence as the UK was overrun by secularists and witches and homosexuals. We've suffered as Britain undertook a new age of imperialism and colonization, that of sorcery and witchcraft as evidenced by Harry Potter. And I've prayed for them, hoping upon hope that America would undertake a new Marshall plan for the souls of our brothers. Well, I'm proud to report that my prayers may have been answered. Blessed capitalists from England and Australia are paying back God's kindness by spreading His word throughout our brother country. One has been so successful, he's been able to teach the Word of God in state schools, something that would be unheard of here in the US. If this trend continues -- and I don't say this lightly -- we Christians here in America may have to start praying that Britain re-colonize us and force the Word of God upon the American public that has become so hypnotized by the Devil. What I really hope for, though, rather than such a drastic approach to the problem of Devil-infiltration is that someone like J.K. Rowling will see the light and publish a new series of books about a young Christian soldier who fights the Devil by confronting his homosexual, witch, scientist followers at state school. An interesting twist would be a final battle between the good Christian boy and Harry Potter. It would be even more interesting if the boy, in the end, were able to win Hermione's heart and make her abandon witchcraft in favor of raising children. Hmm. In fact, I'm so enamored by this idea, maybe I will write it. I will pray about it for awhile and get back to you...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

In Honor of the 100th Post: an inspirational poem

This is the 100th post on Jesus Loves Everything, and I have to say that the good doctor and I are proud. We've not only enjoyed sharing in our love of the Lord with fellow believers, but we've also learned a lot from and loved sharing the word of God with non-believers. Let's just all pray together that we'll have another 100 posts. No! 10000!. Anyway, in honor of this truly inspiring event, I've written an inspirational poem that is also a true story about how I came to Christ. As usual, it is limited by my lowly abilities as a poet, but I am sure the love that went into it should inspire all -- believers and non, alike:

Thank God For Jesus (a true story)

I was blind once.
But I saw the light
In a pool of blood.
My own.

Thank God for Jesus!
For Jesus,
For Jesus love me,
He loves me!

I died once.
Attacked in the shower,
Skull opened wide,

But thank God for Jesus!
For Jesus,
For Jesus love me,
He loves me!

Jesus touched me once.
He took me to Hell,
Where I saw my future.
In torture chambers:

Chambers of pain,
Chambers of suffering,
Chambers of crushed bones,
Of flayed skin
Of amputations,
Of whippings,
Of burnings,

People strung up on hooks,
Like fish.
People strapped to carving machines,
Like chicken.
People raped by demonic devices and creatures,
Like sinners.

Thank God for Jesus!
For Jesus,
For Jesus love me,
He loves me!

And I awoke forever.
My Bible a shield.
Against sin.
My Bible a sword.
Against wickedness,
And the wrath of God
The wind at my back.

Thank God for Jesus!
For Jesus,
For Jesus love me,
He loves me!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Invisible Hand Brings Christ to India

This story tickled my soul, which is to say that it brought joy to my heart. I've always had great faith that the invisible hand associated with Adam Smith and capitalism was actually the hand of God, and reading about women in India selling their wombs to the rich as surrogate mothers was just another notch in my belt of faith. For you see India, once a socialist country under the corrupt spell of Communist Russia and the Devil, is also a heathen nation, populated by mostly Hindus and Muslims; however, it recently has embraced capitalism, such that the invisible hand was sure to touch it and bring Christ into the arms of all Indians. This surrogate mother story is just a start. Right now India's embrace of Christianity is just in its infant stages, such that I'm sure many don't even know who Jesus is. But the fact that women are selling their wombs to produce children for the rich and barren of the West shows that somewhere deep down Indian women's souls are calling out for Christ. Just look at the way they are offering themselves up to do their duty as women and repent for original sin by bearing children.

There are two things that worry me, though. First is that Christianity will not be allowed to take root in India. India as an economic, capitalist power is still in its nascent stages, so the invisible hand's hold on India's people is still tenuous. If Hindus persist in persecuting Christians, I am sure India will return to the days of abject poverty and starvation that once made it the butt of jokes here in America. This also would not bode well for the children being raised in the wombs of Indian women. The fetuses will be deprived of Christ during their 9 month stay, so who knows what type of children will be born. The other thing that worries me is that all women of America will use Indian women as birth mothers rather than do the duty themselves. Women here have already shirked their responsibilities as women, seeking powers that God reserved for men, refusing to cook and clean, speaking when not spoken to, etc. etc. Plus, American women are entirely too concerned with gaining and losing weight during and after pregnancy, so it will be their natural inclination to pass this burden on to te third world. But all in all, I'm very happy about what's happening in India and you should be too.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rock Music is Evil

Well now Christian soldiers, I have not yet taken the opportunity to preach specifically about the evils of rock music, particularly this so-called alternative Rock music that’s listened to by all of these so called "Xtreme" teens out there. Now, before I begin, I want to warn all of you that I will be exposing some very dangerous sinful lyrics. The reason I call the lyrics dangerous is because these lyrics are so sinful and evil that they would most certainly lead your "Xtreme" teenaged children down the path toward eternal damnation. Yes!!! - That’s Right!!! - This kind of music, if left unchecked by righteous parental authority (whippings, intimidation, humilation, whipping room visits, being covered in spiders) will result in your children’s souls being doomed to eternal hellfire. Think of it! The unbearable heat, the endless tortures, the infinite terror - forever AND EVER!!! That is your children’s future if they are permitted to listen to this garbage. It must be prevented at all cost!!!

Now, I am going to quote you some of these alternative rock music and dance music lyrics. You will not believe what you are about to hear. Nothing can prepare you for the fact that human beings could have sunk so low in wretched depravity to write songs such as this. Furthermore, these are just the lyrics! The actual music is far worse, because it combines the lyrics with tunes and beats that are clearly the inspired work of the Devil! And Praise Be - Please Remember! I am quoting these lyrics not because I like to quote rock lyrics, but for the greater good!!! I am quoting them as a dire warning, for the sake of virtue and good old-time moral values! Therefore, Christian soldiers, I give you the evil rock lyrics!

Hey now, you're an All Star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid,
And all that glitters is gold
Only shootin stars break the mold

How horrible was that?! A song that encourages children "get the show on", and also encourages them to "break the mold" by becoming "shootin stars". What horrible blasphemy! But if you think that was bad, it is nothing compared to this!!!

Pump up the jam
Pump it up
While your feet are stompin'
And the jam is pumpin'
Look at here the crowd is jumpin'
Pump it up a little more
Get the party going on the dance floor
Seek us that's where the party's at
And you'll find out if you're too bad
I don't want a place to stay
Get your boody on the floor tonight
Make my dayI don't want a place to stay
Get your boody on the floor tonight
Make my day Make my day

What a truly evil song that encourages teenagers to engage in "Xtreme" dance moves and obscene acts on the dance floor. Do they have no shame? They should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail!!! May the good Lord grant us the supreme legal authority to ban these obscenities across our great land! It’s because of evil, tyrannical, activist judges that these obscenities are allowed to be produced and marketed to our children! And if you think that is bad, than now here this!!!

We know you've heard this beat many, many times
But we bet you've never heard it with such a vicious rhyme
A rhyme with class and plenty of clout
To show you sucher M.C.'s what it's about We hear the same stories everywhere we go
Hey, it's Nynuk who stole the show
So for all you party people who are in a state of shock
We're The New Kids On The Block!
Chillin' on the corner, the first day we arrived
From the looks of the hoods, we didn't think we'd survive Second day we were there, we were walking down the street
With a rhyme in mind and a funky beat

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: They should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail!!! We must bring down the evil, tyrannical, activist judges, and replace them with good, strict, solemn, old-time, righteous, God-fearing men of the church so that we can stop these obscenities from infesting our towns and our homes!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Fat People are a Sign of the End Times

Yes, we've heard a lot recently about the obesity epidemic. All over the world people are getting fatter and fatter. And this is a symptom of a larger problem -- the Devil's mastery of our basest desires. Appealing to these, he has reached to the glutton in all of us, sucking the soul away of the Christ-less just as they suck on milkshakes and fries. It's not just food, it's sex and violence and freedom. A little bit of each can be a good thing, for we need them to follow the will of God: sex for making more children; violence for keeping our wives in line and converting heathens and heretics to the word of God; and freedom to worship Jesus as God would have us do. The Devil knows this; and using the myriad of tools at his disposal -- the liberal media, witchcraft, activist judges, and fast food restaurants -- he is corrupting our souls with the things we need most to properly honor the Lord God. In heaven, there would be no cravings, no desire to eat, fornicate, fight, or protest than is absolutely necessary; but ever since Eve gave into the Devil and seduced man, we have been confronted by temptation, and now with mass media and fast food restaurants we are bombarded by it. So we crave and crave. Those of us that have truly accepted Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, though, can fight these cravings; but the weak minded, Jesus-less are helpless to it. Luckily, God is perfect and all-knowing, such that He designed our bodies to alert the faithful to the demonic among them. So when you see a fat person, know that he or she has not given himself/herself to Christ. And notice how we are seeing more and more of the obese -- this is certainly a sign that the antichrist is ready to appear and bring the end times upon us. It may not be too late for the fat, though, so it is imperative that we do what we can to bring them to our side before it is too late. One way is to mandate a diet based on the Bible. Of course there should also be mandatory Bible lessons for everyone, no matter what age (even the faithful need reinforcement). We should also burn fast food restaurants to the ground, as they are obviously tools of the Devil. I've also been marinating on the idea that stomach stapling surgery should be forced upon everyone that is overweight; however, I am reluctant to throw my weight behind the idea, because there's a chance that these people won't come to Christ and, as skinny people, will be able to infiltrate the side of Christ during the tribulation period. On the other hand, having their body drained of the toxins fed them by the Devil may open their mind to the idea that Jesus is the son of God. Plus, if we cure them of obesity while preaching the Bible, the fat may be almost miraculously drawn to Christ. Obviously, experiments could and should be run to test this. At the very least, we faithful must talk to the fat among us and let them know that their weight is a symptom of their acceptance of the Devil. And we also need to ostracize them at the same time. There should be no accommodation for their inability to find a seat on an airplane or fit between bus aisles.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Abortion Poem V: The Scalping Dance

I think I mentioned in an earlier post (the one about manifest destiny) that Indians have promised to perform abortions in South Dakota should the anti-abortion law stand. Well, that angered me so much, God blessed me with the inspiration to write a poem about it. Here it is:

The Scalping Dance

Pow wow wow wow
Pow wow wow wow

Indian chief,
Indian chief
Scalping, scalping
Innocence thief!

Feather in his hair,
Evil spirits in the air,
He dances, dances
A fire dance,

The flames
Rising,, rising
They rise

And feed and feed
Because a woman
Will bleed.

And rising, rising
In approval
The flames rise
For a removal.

Indian chief,
Indian chief
Scalping, scalping
Innocence thief!

Laughing, laughing
He tears the womb,
The woman now a tomb
And dances, dances
His fire dance,

The flames
Rising, rising
They rise

Jumping and leaping
For the sacrifice,
Satan’s sign
Of spite for Christ.

Indian chief,
Indian chief,
Scalping, scalping
Innocence thief!

His turquoise beads dangle,
His weathered hands strangle,
And he dances, dances
A fire dance,

The flames
Rising, rising
They rise

Sparkling, crackling
At the fetus’s belly
In his hands
Sticky like jelly.

Indian chief,
Indian chief,
Scalping, scalping
Innocence thief!

His blade slices the head
And its blood runs red,
And he dances, dances
A fire dance,

The flames
Rising, rising
They rise

Lighting up the sky
As the fetus is drained and squeezed
Into a cauldron
And Satan smiles, pleased.

Indian chief,
Indian chief,
Scalping, scalping
Innocence thief!

He mixes it into a potion,
Rubbing it on like lotion,
And he dances, dances
A fire dance,

The flames
Rising, rising
They rise

Fueled by hate
And the mother’s sin
A trail of tears
Left in their wake

Pow wow wow wow
Pow wow wow wow

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Comment on Women (Why More than 25% need to be beaten)

Apparently 25% of married Syrian women have been beaten. At least according to the UN -- not exactly the most trustworthy organization, given that it will be the vehicle that antichrist uses in his rise to power. But let's assume it's true, and let's assume it's true for all women, in general. Immediately one must question whether 25% of women being beaten is a bad thing, simply because the UN, with it's "study," implies that it is. Anything the UN says is good must be bad, and vice versa. So if the UN is saying that what's happened is bad, then it's most likely good, unless, of course, they have released this study for some other purpose without regard to the morality of the facts, like to hide a nefarious plot to steal the United States' sovereignty.

In this case, I think the fact that women are being beaten is good, but we could be doing better. And here's an example of why. Yet again we are given another example of the inherent differences between men and women, and yet again the inherent differences reveal the inferior, prone-to-evil nature of women. The fact that men are effected more greatly than women by amphetamines is proof that men's brains are naturally more innocent than women's. Man is profoundly effected because he is inherently good and meant to experience pain and suffering without feeling so unnaturally good except when embraced by the love of God. Woman, on the other hand, exists in a drug-like state, because the Devil has so much power over her. And because she's already drugged, real drugs don't have such a powerful effect on her. I would be willing to bet, however, that if you were to run the same tests on Christian women, they would be just as powerfully effected as men. In any event, this is an example of why more than 25% of women need to be beaten, because since women are so inherently bad, it follows that more than 25% of them commit bad, un-God-ly acts and should be punished to keep them in line and bring them to Christ.

And here's another example of why women should be beaten. As I've stated before, God is punishing women by changing their shape so they are less attractive. Now, however, scientists have come up with a formula for the perfect female figure. It is only a matter of time before they or their witch brethren invent some type of potion to make mis-shapen women fit into the formula and thus into clothes that fit and make them look beautiful again. Clearly, the Devil is trying to bring women to his side, and we all know how women can be controlled through their self-esteem. Therefore, it is imperative that we men keep control over the situation with beatings. Otherwise, nearly all women will succumb to their natural impulses and pre-marital sex, abortions, and theivery will run rampant over society. When this happens, I'm afraid, the UN will most likely use the situation to bring it into position to be the world's government, and we will be helpless to stop the rise of the antichrist.

Friday, April 07, 2006

US Soldiers Are NOT Evil

I've been accused of being evil, crazy, ignorant; and this is okay, for people who disagree with me are usually corrupted by the Devil. I'm interested, though, in what such people think of Christians such as these (also, check out their site):

"Every soldier in that building has been maimed by the Lord -- a direct judgment upon this nation for its perversions and its rejection of His word."

"They are not heroes. They chose to fight for a sodomite nation. . . . God almighty has killed these soldiers to inflict pain upon an evil nation, a severe stroke of divine judgment, retribution and vengeance."

I know such Christians take their faith seriously, and that must be respected, but their views are misguided. For one, it seems as though they believe America is the problem, rather than America has a problem, and this is false. America was founded by good Christians and blessed by God (look at our success with manifest destiny, eradicating heathens that stood in the way of our path to the ocean). While it is true that Satan has slowly but surely worked his magic throughout our society, using his minions - homosexuals, witches and activist judges, just to name a few -- to take our great country away from us, we are still a Christian nation at heart and should be working to take back our country. These protestors, though, seem to have conceded defeat in our war with the Devil and this is unacceptable. If only we could work together, we could take our country back to the times of yesteryear, where witches were burned at the stake, the Bible was taught to all children, and heretics suffered a myriad of tortures. This is the goal we should be working toward, for spreading the word of God by any means necessary is the duty of all Christians.

Also, the war on Iraq, while lost because liberals under the iron grip of Satan have battled and thwarted our President at every turn, was inspired by a truly Christian ideal of crusade against non-believers. So to blame our brave soldiers, protesting, even, at their funerals, who fight this great fight is not only counter-productive, but evil.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Jesus DID Walk on Water, Stupid Scientists

I'm both infuriated and amused at this blatant example of science being used to denigrate the Christian faith. Now they expect us to believe that the sea of Galilee froze, thus explaining how Jesus walked on water. Oh yes, they explain, their statistical models and fossils make it possible, and they are much more reliable than the Bible, a.k.a. the WORD OF GOD. We all know how scientists are really just stooges of the Devil and cannot be trusted, so I won't ramble on any longer about it -- for now. But sometimes I like to envision what Jesus might do if he were alive right now and were confronted by scientists like this. Before I share my imagination with you, let me state right now that I realize some of you will complain that Jesus would not be vengeful and would forgive, etc. etc; but this is where you'd be wrong: scientists are not people; they are demons who rose up straight from the bottomless pit to take the form of humans and trick us into believing lies so that we lose our connection to God. So really no punishment would be too harsh, and if Jesus were here he'd destroy them by:

1) turning the sea of Galilee into a sea of molten lava and making the scientists walk over it.
2) tricking the scientists into drinking poisoned wine so that they begin to hallucinate and think they're Jesus, such that they are suddenly inspired to walk on water. Of course, they are hallucinating so what they think is water is really the edge of a really tall cliff.
3) giving them parachutes and flying them up high into the sky, but when he drops them and they try to open the parachutes a pile of fossils and fetuses come out, instead. And Jesus follows them as they fall, laughing.
4) turning them into living fossils, such that they can think and see and hear, but are immobilized. And they live like that for an eternity, watching the world pass them by.
5) dissecting them like a fetal pig, then putting them back together very sloppily, such that they look like Frankenstein and must spend their remaining days on earth as freaks.

Now I know these punishments may not sound horrific enough for some of you, and you are probably right. Jesus is, after all, the son of God and would most likely torture the scientists in much more creative and painful ways. But one can only try...

Without the Bible in Schools Teachers are Whores

It is common knowledge that the lack of Biblical education in schools has led to dumber, more violent and sexual children. Without daily prayer during the school day and constant reinforcement in students that school is a Christian place with Christian values where they are protected from wickedness like Chemistry and Biology and "literature," our children are perfect victims for the Devil and his message. Some would stop at just a moment of silence or a single prayer in the morning. I, however, advocate prayer before, during and after EVERY class, with pervasive monitoring of every student by the teacher so we can be sure that the children are saying their prayers loud enough and with dedication and feeling. This way we can keep track of problem children and put their names in databases so we can all know who they are should they ever run for office or attempt to become judges or teachers. The database would also be useful to search for suspects in crimes.

But that is not the purpose of this post. I wanted, instead, to alert you all to another growing problem that has resulted from the lack of Bible study in schools: whore teachers. We've all seen it on the news, these examples of problem teachers seducing their students, not just with Satanic thoughts, but with their bodies. Believe it or not, I don't think this is the fault of the teachers, at least not all of them. For it takes a strong, Christian mind, indeed, to be surrounded every day by the secular message of the Devil and scientists and not be tempted to join the dark side. Day in and day out these poor people must teach their students about evolution and filthy books that should be burned; and although the teachers' hearts may ache for Jesus Christ, they are prevented from turning to him in their time of need. If only the Bible could be taught in schools, both teachers and students could be protected from the Devil's influence. Even if the Bible were taught for just a single class it would do wonders for the souls of everyone, softening the harsh sinfulness of the other evil thoughts they may be confronted by in their lessons.

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Sopranos... Not Evil?

I was watching the Sopranos tonight and was pleasantly surprised by the appearance of a good born again Christian who tries to bring Tony to the Lord. And even more surprisingly: he was portrayed in a very fair manner, even giving opportunity to preach something very controversial -- that dinosaurs and man roamed the earth together. I say controversial because within the evangelical community there is some disagreement as to how to explain dinosaur bones that date to millions of years ago when we know for a fact that the earth is only 6000 years old. There is no mention of dinosaurs in the Bible, so man has been left to his own devices to figure out the answer. I was taught that the devil put them there to trick us into believing in science and that the Bible is not true. Some believe that we and the dinosaurs co-existed, while scientists "invented" the technology to lie about the age of the bones. Personally, I believe the former, because I know it's true deep in my heart, but I know my brothers in Christ who believe the latter are good, God-fearing Christians, so I am willing, open minded person that I am, to consider they're version of things. And in defense of their position in the face of Tony Soprano's very good question -- how could dinosaurs and man lived together in Eden, since vicious beasts like a Tyrannosaurus Rex would certainly have terrorized the paradise -- God must have created dinosaurs after our fall to make us miss the glories of Eden all the more.

I also enjoyed Tony's neighbor in the hospital, not, of course, because I liked listening to his blather about the meaning of life and life, in general, but because I appreciated God's wrath coming down in the form of cancer. It was such a fitting punishment for the man's speaking of filth, for without his larynx he could no longer preach the message of the devil.

And Sopranos can, sometimes, be so complicated, giving me lots to ponder. In this episode it was the quandary of Paulie, who found out his aunt -- a nun -- was actually his mother, while the person he thought was his mother was actually his aunt. Certainly, the nun/aunt/mom was whore, having sex out of wedlock and while she was a nun, no less. But then rather than abort Paulie, she did the Christian thing to do -- have the baby. But then again she was a nun, which is evil, since women should not be nuns and have no place in the church, except to listen to their preachers and run bake sales. So I was really torn considering her situation -- was the woman evil? And it really was the perfect question for me to marinate in, for it reminded me that God is the ultimate judge in these things. This, of course, is not to say we simple humans cannot condemn clear cases of filth and sin like homosexuality and abortion, but for complicated cases like Paulie's aunt, we should simply pray for the person, administer some form of punishment -- not too harsh, of course -- and watch them carefully to ensure they don't corrupt our society further.

But back to the Sopranos

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Manifest Destiny Manifestly Good

I always loved the idea of manifest destiny, because America, once a nation unified in Christ, was divinely ordained to take over the world. But notice my use of the word "was," for that was a long time ago, before the Devil created the liberal media, inspiring scientists to invent things like television and the internet, while witches and sorcerers cast powerful spells over the airwaves, so the public could be brainwashed into depravity and God-lessness. Yes, once we were led by the hand of God to expand ever-westward, eradicating the heathen masses as we went. It was such a beautiful thing, as our belief in Christ was turned into an all powerful sword to crush the Indians that opposed us. But somewhere along the way, before we were able to take over Canada and Mexico, the Devil intervened, using the Indians as proxies. As we went westward, powerful Indian shamen backed by Satan cast spells on some of the settlers, corrupting their minds with impure thoughts the way the witches of Salem once did in Massachusetts. Back in Salem, though, the good Christians were able to rid themselves of such evil; but the sheer enormity of the Indian population made it a near impossible task in this instance. This was enough to keep us from taking over the world with Christ (at least until the good Christians of the land take their country back from Satan's minions), because the settlers lost the grace of God. Just look at places like California and Oregon -- homosexual bastions of filth and decadence, the stain of their ancestors permanent.

Those of you that read this site know we are a long way off from ever being again worthy of God's grace, with activist judges, liberals, homosexuals, and feminists working day and night to thwart His will. This, of course, saddens me as I am sure it saddens you all; but the fact we were once so blessed to be manifestly destined to give glory to Christ by expanding ever westward until the whole world flew under the flag of America makes our fall all the more depressing. And now -- and this, really, is the purpose of this post -- it seems Satan is thumbing his nose at us Christians Just as we thought there may be a light at the end of the tunnel, as states like South Dakota moved to outlaw what may, in fact, be the greatest crime in the history of the planet -- abortion -- the Indians, heathens we had once been so close to conquering, will be offering the evil procedure out of reach of our laws. It was bad enough when they began opening casinos, but now it seems children of Satan will be able to abort God's gift to all of us while gambling with their own souls. And this is not the worst of it, for while like the aborted in the "civilized" world being used in medical experiments, the aborted at the hands of the Indians will certainly be used for their weird potions and stews. In fact, I'm so upset about it at this moment, I think I'll go write a poem in dedication to all the babies that will be lost at the hands of the Indians....