Thursday, April 27, 2006

Shame and Humiliation -- A Lesson For Children

shame, shame,
shame on you!

hellbound child
you are
lost, lost --
lost and wild!

like a king
on this earth,
you are
mighty, mighty --
mighty and powerful

but naked, shivering,
before the Lord
you, you
shall fall
on His sword!

shame, shame,
shame on you!


it's not too late!
too late,
too late
to avoid this fate!

Learn humility
or be humiliated:

trapped and groaning,
Hell awaits,
Hell awaits!

broken and whipped,
Hell awaits,
Hell awaits!

crushed then reborn,
Hell awaits,
Hell awaits!


it's not too late!
too late,
too late
to avoid this fate!

cleanse the Earth,
punish sinners:

hang them,
burn them
until you turn them
to the Lord,
to the Lord!

cut and smother them,
smash and pain them
until you chain them
to the Lord,
to the Lord!


read the Bible,
don't dare sin,
love the Lord
and be born again!


ashamed, ashamed!
you will stand
before the Lord
and fall, fall,
fall on His sword!


Blogger Dr. JD Parnell said...

What a great lesson for children! It's lessons like this that will help ensure that children learn moral values.

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gag me!

And btw...I think that Jesus said something to the effect that if anyone hurts a child it's better if they were thrown into the river with a stone around their neck? Where do you get off?

2:28 AM  
Blogger Nathaniel said...

led-head -- for someone who believes morals are relative, you sure are incapable of recognizing that so too is pain. in no way am i advocating beating children within an inch of their lives. no-- spankings and lashings are all that is required. nothing life threatening, no broken bones. but children -- but people, even -- respect and fear pain and they will obey in the face of it. and that is all God wants. and what God wants God will get, one way or another.

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, lashings are okay? With what?

10:09 PM  
Blogger Nathaniel said...

led-head -- i point you to the poem: the whipping room. lashings can be accomplished with hickery switches and sticks, belts and whips. again, i am not advocating we beat children to death. A few hard snaps with the belt will do.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that, my friend, is child abuse. Pure and simple.

12:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabin here on an old post i know, it just me or is this poem just plain awful? It's just bad. In form, vocabulary, intent, structure, everything. Just plain terrible.

7:53 PM  

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