Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Harkening Back to the Days of Yore (When Babies Were Not Kept in Jars)

What once was good and pure,
Wholesome and virtuous true,
The righteous path,
We took steadfast,
Alas! It is no more!
As it was in the days of yore.

Harkening back to the days of yore,
The Days of Yore!
The Days of Yore!
We must harken back to the days,
The glorious days of yore!

The olden days, the traditional ways,
Righteous men, complacent women,
Children neither seen nor heard,
Obedience strictly enforced,
Lest the hickory stick be well laid on!
As it was in the days of yore.

Harkening back to the days of yore,
The Days of Yore!
The Days of Yore!
We must harken back to the days,
The glorious days of yore.

This modern and secular day,
Satan is having his way,
Dark forces have gained,
Precious lives down the drain,
We must return to a righteous past,
As it was in the days of yore.

Harkening back to the days of yore,
The Days of Yore!
The Days of Yore!
We must harken back to the days,
The glorious days of yore.

Evil has a name, it is science,
Advancing Satan’s will,
Evil scheming scientists,
Devious thinking, conniving, calculating,
Scheming sick experimentation,
Using Babies! Helpless Babies!
Helpless Babies in a Jar.

Oh have you ever seen,
The babies in the jar?
To truly come to see,
The horrific extent of our fall,
We need only venture,
Into the science labs,
To see the babies in the jar.

Fallen from grace
The judgement we shall face
As we turn away from our Lord
The darkness is come,
Our transgressions have done,
As never before in the olden days,
Those glorious days of yore

Oh have you ever seen,
The babies in the jar?
To truly come to see,
The horrific extent of our fall,
We need only venture,
Into the science labs,
To see the babies in the jar.

And what of the babies,
Those helpless little babies,
The little babies in the jar?
The Lord shall receive your souls,
Come now little ones into heaven,
No longer shall you remain,
A specimen in the jar!

Oh have you ever seen,
The babies in the jar?
To truly come to see,
The horrific extent of our fall,
We need only venture,
Into the science labs,
To see the babies in the jar.

Now evil scientists!
What judgement shall you face?
The one and only penalty,
You are eternally condemned,
To be imprisoned inside a jar,
Baby demons inflict constant torments,
While forever trapped inside a jar.

Oh have you ever seen,
The babies in the jar?
To truly come to see,
The horrific extent of our fall,
We need only venture,
Into the science labs,
To see the babies in the jar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

close-mind·ed (klōs'mīn'dĭd, klōz'-) or closed-mind·ed (klōzd'-)

Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas.
close'-mind'ed·ness n.


EXAMPLE: "If you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you do not accept Him as your savior, you will go to Hell."

11:03 PM  
Blogger somnio said...

why are you so retarded?

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so out of touch with society it is hilarious! I don't know told you all of this, but they are wrong! Babies in jars!?!? NO person is that crazy! Maybie in the far past when abortions were first started, but now we don't do this. This is insanity!!

1:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Do you know how much money is in undamaged baby parts?

2:07 PM  

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