Sunday, January 29, 2006

Google Our Enemies, Christian Soldiers!

The last couple of weeks have brought me much despair, as I've read more and more disturbing reports of US companies betraying the Bible in this Christian nation. Let it be known that I am a great believer in capitalism, for the invisible hand that guides capitalist nations to prosperity is certainly the hand of God; however, it appears that Satan has a voice of influence on the markets, convincing certain companies in America to commit outrageous evils. Two prime examples: Sony and Walgreens. Sony, you may have read, is now planning to back a gay and lesbian music label, thus giving a greater voice to the dirty sin of homosexuality. Rather than help cage the homosexual animals that run rampant in today's society, Sony is helping them corrupt -- seduce -- our children, and it should not be allowed to stand. Walgreens, on the other hand, is forcing its pharmacists to fill birth control prescriptions, even when it goes against the pharmacists' beliefs. This is yet another example of the chains that America places on Christians, enslaving us to the desires of secularists. But besides my concern for the rights of my fellow Christian soldiers, I'm also disturbed that any pharmacy would even allow birth control to be sold. Birth Control is certainly evil, reducing sex into pure desire and therefore filth. Sex should be something much more than desirable -- it should be magnificent and holy, something that can only be achieved when it is for creating life. Furthermore, birth control turns women into whores and allows them to embrace their inherent evilness that first manifested itself with original sin.

Companies such as Walgreens and Sony need to follow the example of Google, which, you may also have read, has recently bowed down to the Chinese government and agreed to censor its search results so they do not offend the Communist Party. Don't get me wrong: I do not support the Communist Party, but I appreciate Google's willingness to sacrifice its ideals for the will of a Communist nation. America is a Christian nation, and Google, I am sure, will be equally willing to promote censorship of anything that is anti-Christian and against the Bible. It is therefore imperative that we Christians unite and lobby Google to filter out any filth that betrays the morals of the Bible. I am sure they will listen. In the future, as our technology gets further advanced, eventually, perhaps, being directly connected to our brains, we will be able to filter, to censor, anything and everything that is against the will of God. People will no longer be able to think unchristian thoughts; they will be disallowed from even considering Walgreens or Sony products as a choice. Therefore we will be able to punish tomorrow the outrageous and evil acts of companies today.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Space Shuttle Wasn't Much of a Challenger to God

Ever since Copernicus, we have been living in a Matrix-like world, where we have been brainwashed into believing in an alternate reality -- a reality where the Earth revolves the sun, where stars and distant planets exist in galaxies far, far away, and aliens exist somewhere out in the universe. But none of this is true. Just as the robots enslaved humans and controlled their minds with the Matrix, the Devil and his minions -- scientists -- have enslaved us to their evil world view. Their claims, though, are false: there are no planets out in space, no aliens for us to discover. There is no space at all, only heaven. For it is heaven that exists outside of earth's atmosphere. So when we send rockets and space shuttles in an attempt to go where no man has gone before, we are essentially breaking and entering into God's domain. He tried to warn us. This is the 20th anniversary of the Challenger space shuttle disaster, a disaster brought upon us by God's displeasure with our attempted intrusions. I know those of you that refuse to believe me will point to the Hubble Space telescope, to footage of man walking on the moon, of all types of other "proof" of the existence of space. But I ask you: have you seen this for yourself? How would you know? You've never travelled to the distant galaxies "exposed" by telescopes. The Cabal of Scientists, controlled by Satan, have merely deluded you into believing their lies. The reasons for breaking into heaven are two fold. First, it is the Devil's desire to keep man focused on everything but the Bible, to wow us with technological fetes, to convince us that the Bible could not possibly be true. The other reason is that the Devil desires to pollute heaven with beings that are not nearly worthy of ever going there. His inability to reach the gates of heaven, though, has not stopped him from tricking us into believing in the magic of science. Grainy video footage of moonwalks, of astronauts floating around in zero "gravity," have so far been enough for the weak minds tempted by the Devil. But ask you all, as the 20th anniversary of the Challenger "disaster" comes and goes, to recognize the significance of the event, and bow down before God and all His might; for what happened to the Challenger will one day happen to earth as the end times come and God unleashes His fury on non-believers.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Al Gore is Evil

Take a good look at the picture of this evil man, Al Gore, good Christian soldiers. Take a good hard look. What you are looking at is not the face of any ordinary man. You are looking at the face of evil. For a long time I believed that Al Gore may well be the antichrist. However, I no longer believe this. The true antichrist, who will eventually rise to power to wreak havoc upon the earth will be far worse. However, Al Gore provides but a small glimpse of what lies in store for those who are left behind during the final days when the world comes under the reign of the antichrist and his one-world global government, whose top officials will consist of the likes of Sean Penn, Rosie O’Donnell, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, and George Clooney. Think very hard about the horrors of living in a world controlled by Al Gore, then multiply it by a thousand, and you are starting to get a picture of what it would be like to be left behind.

Al Gore is evil. Al Gore epitomizes everything that is evil about the Democratic party. Al Gore does not believe in fighting and destroying the terrorists. Al Gore believes in protecting "the environment." Al Gore is absolutely opposed to traditional Christian family values. Al Gore supports a "global community" that would be led by himself and a specially appointed commission consisting of only the most liberal elite Hollywood actors, directors, and producers.

Al Gore has been described as a "green revolutionary." Many of Al Gore’s policy proposals have been widely reported and include for example, "completely eliminating the internal combustion engine over, say, a twenty-five-year period." Evidently, according to Gore, good and virtuous Christian families must be eventually forced to give up their full size station wagons, mini-vans and SUVs and use god-forsaken miniature electric cars to go to church. I don’t know about you but I could most certainly envision the antichrist inflicting such a fate on those Christians who are not fortunate enough to be brought up in the rapture. Of course, then again, during the end of times, all churches will be banned under the antichrist, so therefore, I envision Christian families being forced to drive miniature electric cars to scientology meetings and environmental rallies during the final days under the antichrist. Just as Al Gore would attempt to make us all to drive miniature electric cars, he would also attempt to get laws passed requiring all electric power to come from from wind turbines, a truly evil concept indeed. However, unlike Al Gore, the antichrist won’t just attempt these things, he will actually implement them and impose them on all of you who are left behind. All Christians who are left behind will be forced to commit adultery and have abortions. Imagine your children being taught by Rosie O’Donnell, criminals being "punished" by Michael Dukakis, private commerce being regulated by Greenpeace, and so forth. Let this all be stern warning to all of you Christians who do not wholeheartedly follow only the strictest interpretations of the Bible. You may think you may be saved, but if you do not live your lives according to God’s will, you WILL be forced to endure the tribulation and the reign of the antichrist during the final days, and your faith will be put to the ultimate test, and it will be a unimaginably painful test, indeed. So painful, that many of you who are left behind will fall to Satan’s influence and will receive the Mark of the Beast, and then your fate will be sealed, for God will judge your so-called faith as false and filled with blasphemy, and you will be condemned to burn in the Lake of Fire for all of eternity.

Who's Going to Hell (on Jan 23, 2006)?

Someone (grapple) has asked me another interesting question regarding destination hell:

"What if I put my aborted child up for adoption? Do two eternally hellfire bound choices make a righteous one?"

No! Two eternally hellfire bound choices do NOT make a righteous one. Of course I recognize it is not possible to put aborted fetuses up for adoption. Only the truly sick would seek one. Just imagine jars of adopted fetuses on walls like buffalo heads! This is certainly the future imagined by secularists -- a world where dead babies are used as decorations. Feminist women certainly look forward to the day where they can use fetuses in their makeup products, while liberal men will collect them like taxidermied animals. This is why we Chrisitan soldiers must be united in opposing secularists. They are the Devil's representatives here on earth!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Reminder: Everything Big Is Evil, Including Whales

Praise be, the stupid whale that lost itself in the Thames River is dead! This is proof that this site is in harmony with the desires of God. Where I was ridiculed for revealing the truth -- that everything big in the animal world is evil, evil because, according to environmentalists, our resources are scarce and large, useless animals abuse these resources, thus hurting the environment -- God has chosen to show the world that my warnings are accurate by killing the whale, despite all of our attempts to save it. And make no mistake, whales are indeed evil. For they devour smaller fish, and fish are going extinct. Not only are they evil, but they are stupid, thus the fact that the whale chose to swim thro the Thames. It's a shame that our precious resources are wasted on such creatures. If only we were all so inspired as Captain Ahab, then perhaps we could all unite in the desire to cleanse the ocean of whales and save the fishes. Of course it is inevitable that environmentalists, their minds filled with the agenda of Satan, blame the extinction of fishes on humans. This is clearly false, as the earth was bequeathed to us by God to serve our needs. The extinction of fishes is simply His way to remind us that whales are useless and evil, thereby giving us a duty to exterminate them.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Monkeys, Fish? Harry Potter Plays Mind Games On Scientists

As per some of the latest research done by scientists, the human ear evolved from ancient fish gills. So now we evolved from monkeys AND fish. This latest "discovery," though, is obviously the product of influence from witchcraft. For not only is it absurd (we all know that God created man in His image), it seems suspiciously similar to a scene in Harry Potter IV: Goblet of Fire, where Harry takes drugs to turn himself into some type of half human/half fish. In fact, where I always knew Harry Potter was really a conspiracy by witches to corrupt the minds of children, it really may have been part of a much broader conspiracy to influence the work of scientists and steer it in a new direction. Charmed by magic incantations cast on the film, scientists, upon seeing the scene in question, are powerless to do anything other than invent stupid conspiracies through which the Devil is able corrupt society. Such is the power of Harry Potter and his ilk.

Revenge Is Sweet; Women Have Half-Formed Brains

Man was made in God's image, and men love revenge. So, too, does God, who's brought His wrath down upon sinners since the beginning of time. Just look at the Old Testament, just look at today, as heathen nations are stricken with earthquakes and tsunamis and bird flu, especially sinful cities are drowned by hurricanes, and traitorous world leaders are brought to their knees by strokes. Notice, though, how women do not like revenge; their brains are such that they are practically half-formed and do not allow women to enjoy the suffering of the wrong -- or at least this is according to science, which, we all know, tends to mislead the world into following Satan. But not always. Not everything flowing from minds of scientists is self-serving and evil. And this latest information, I think, is one of those rare instances where scientists have provided something useful. For it is insight into the inferior nature of women, and yet another reason why women should be seen and not heard, relegated to birthing children and taking care of men's' home needs. Because they lack such a key response to wrong, they are unfit to be leaders, unfit, even, to experience the real world, where there is constant danger of being led astray. It is no wonder Eve was so easily tempted by Satan to take from the tree of knowledge: she did not want to offend him; the areas of her brain linked to empathy and pain were activated by the thought of disappointing the Devil. If Adam had been confronted by a similar situation, however, he would have considered the warning of God and taken pleasure from the thought of God crushing the snake for even trying to trick His loyal servants. And because women, by their very nature, apparently, are pre-disposed to evil, it is even more important that they redeem themselves in the eyes of God by having babies. It is also important that we cease to allow women to rule over us or pretend the rights they demand aren't anything other than a product of half-formed brains. I'm no scientist, but if I were to guess, the reason for the deformity of female thought has something to do with having been made from Adam's rib. Perhaps the day that God decided to make Eve, Adam had a small hairline fracture on his rib, thus leading to the mental handicap in question. Or perhaps Adam was suffering from osteoporosis or some form of bone cancer.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Science is At It Again

Two things recently in the news have inspired me to post -- yet again -- about the evils of science. The first is the new "trauma pill" scientists have taken upon themselves to invent. In all his glory, God chose to give us humans a wide range of emotions, pleasures and pains to experience, such that we are blessed with a rich, fulfilling life. Of course, in this experience, most of us are destined to have some sort of tragedy affect us, some of us will get depressed, enraged, etc.; and while it is no doubt sad when one of us experiences emotions like this, it is a necessary part of life that makes it so beautiful. So of course scientists, under the spell of the devil, are seeking to labotamize the human experience. First, they invented anti-depressants in an attempt to make people happy all the time. Now they're on their way to inventing the anti-trauma pill, thus making it impossible for people to experience any negative emotion from traumatic events. This is surely evil, and anyone who uses any of these pills is condemned to an eternity of pain to be administered by Satan. God means for horrible things to happen to us, just as He means for the miraculous to touch many of our lives. Erasing the effects of what we experience is simply a way of cutting God out of our lives chemically. The widespread use of these drugs is really no better than removing references to Jesus from schools and courtrooms. If scientists continue along this path, I propose that the research and development wing of Jesus Loves Everything Superstores invent a trauma pill to be administered to scientists and their followers that will make them relive, over and over again, some traumatic experience, like their children dying.

The other scientific "advancement" that has recently troubled me is the so-called return to earth of this Stardust Probe. Now let it be known that I highly doubt man has ever been to space and believe that all of our claims to have visited the moon, explored mars with robots, etc., etc. are hogwash, lies invented by scientists to wow the population into believing there is no God other than science. But let's just say we have sent a spacecraft to collect "dust" from way out in "space." Should we really trust scientists with what they could potentially be bringing back to earth? How do we know that what scientists have brought back isn't really a kidnapped angel? Or how do we know our attempts to explore heaven haven't so angered God He didn't decide to give this spacecraft an evil mother brain to bring back to earth? For angels, God and heaven are what really exist in outerspace. I am willing to allow that we have been to space/heaven, but only if we received this technology from the Devil. This is surely an offense to God.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Keep Austin Weird? NO! Cleanse It, Instead

One of my stops on the book tour brought me to Austin, TX, a place I had often heard described as an oasis within Texas, a description that I now assume has something to do with the fact that the city is incredibly liberal and "independent," while the rest of the state is a haven for good Christians and a righteous way of life. So rather than describe Austin as an oasis, I believe a better description of the city would be a black hole, a black hole of sin that sucks in the light of Jesus Christ coming from the rest of the state and crushes it with the city's obsession with weirdness and independence. Nearly every restaurant and store in the city is "independent" with nary a McDonald's or Starbucks in sight. And each hypnotizes the shopper with extreme colors and quirkiness. While most of the city is proud of these qualities, my righteousness allowed me to see their true nature as abominations. As a country, we should not revel in difference and diversity, but in our sameness -- in our shared righteousness and belief in Jesus Christ and the great national chains they have spawned. Such extreme focus on being different, on being unique, is certainly the product of corruption by the Devil, which explains why Austin is so accepting of homosexuality, of whoring, of the spread of the liberal agenda, in general. So rather than Freebirds or any other of the thousands of local, independent restaurants and chains, the good Christian soldiers of the rest of Texas should fight to spread Chipotle, McDonald's, and Starbucks. Best Buys and Wal-Marts and Barnes and Nobles should be built on every street corner and crush the local competition. Then, as investors and shoppers in these great chains, we should assert our power by demanding they adhere to the teachings of the Bible, refusing to sell the tools of witchcraft, like Harry Potter, and pornography. We can demand that they fire anyone who gets a divorce or has sex before marriage. The Board of Directors and officers in the companies will all be replaced by proven Christians, like Pat Robertson, like any of those capable for spotting evil and calling it out. It would truly be an inspiration and testimony to the power of Christianity and Christians in Texas. I know there are doubters; I know many lack faith that we Christians hold such power. But just look at the overwhelming victory we had on the war on Christmas. Look at how our power persuaded nearly all the nation's companies to avoid sponsoring the Darwin exhibit in NYC. Look at how we made Ford tremble with fear and refuse to advertise in homosexual magazines. Examples are all around us. This should inspire the good Christians of America to unite further and cleanse America of filth. And the perfect place to start is Austin.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Who's Going to Hell?

I know it's been awhile, but I've been on a cross-country book tour for the last month and have been unable to write. But never fear: I am back, and, having now seen firsthand the havoc wreaked upon America by Satan's liberal agenda, I have much to say! My first post, though, is short and really more of a response to a recent comment. Here's the comment:

"Let's play a little game here. It's called: "who's going to hell?" What I will do is present two different situations (in this case, both of them will be involving abortion since that seems to be a favored topic on this site) and Nathan can take a stab at deciding whether or not the people go to hell. Sounds like fun doesn't it?

Okay. Scenario 1:
Julie is 17 years old. Her and her boyfriend (Kevin, who is 19) had been dating for just a month when they had sex for the first time. Shortly after they became sexually active, Julie found out she was pregnant. Kevin convinces her to have an abortion. At first she doesn't want to, but she is only 17 and doesn't know what else to do, so finally she gives in to the pressure, and has an abortion.

scenario 2:

Kim is a 39 year old mother of four. She finds out that she is pregnant again, and is delighted with the thought of having a baby around the house again. However, upon her first visit to the doctor, the doctors notice a problem. Kim has ovarian cancer, the doctors need to operate in order to save Kim's life, but that would mean loosing the baby. She refuses the procedure thinking that she could hold off until the baby is born to have the operation. two months later she has grown so weak that she is not only going to loose the life of her unborn child, but her own as well. she can't bare the thought of her other four kids growing up without a mother and so she has the operation."

First, I would just like to say that I like this game, so if anyone has any good scenarios for me to respond to, I would be more than happy to make it a regular thing on the site. Life often presents complicated situations that can confuse even the most righteous Christian, so this game can perhaps provide guidance to the confused. Now for my answers:

Scenario 1:
Clearly, Julie is going to burn in eternal hellfire. I know as a 17 year old it would be hard for her to face her friends as she got fatter and fatter; and going to school unable to look her best, wearing the hippest and sexiest clothes possible, I am aware, would surely force her out of favor with the cool crowd; however, Julie is the one that chose to be a whore. That alone threatens her eternal soul. Those that have been corrupted by Satan, I am sure, find the idea that a baby -- a life -- might be more important than the sensitivities of a teenager repulsive. Others, also corrupted by Satan, may argue, instead, that having a baby at that age will ruin Julie's chances of ever having a career or making a good life for herself. However, this neglects the option of adoption, which is always available. Adoption, though, is also evil. Julie should not be concerned with a career, for, as a female, her role on this earth is to raise children. Putting the child up for adoption is tantamount to denying God's plan for women and embracing Satan. I know feminists and lesbians, all having fallen prey to the ways of the devil, are angered by this truth and have worked tirelessly to corrupt society such that we are destined to one day face God's wrath during the end times; but since when have the righteous been beholden to such evil? I would also like to point out that women are responsible for original sin and the Bible teaches that the only way to redeem a woman's soul is through childbirth.

Scenario 2:
At first glance, it would seem difficult to condemn Kim to hell, given that she has hypothetically grown too weak for even the baby to survive; but, really, it is not. God chose Kim as a vessel for life. While circumstances seem dire for both mother and baby, murder is still murder. Just as it is wrong to terminate the life of someone suffering terribly from cancer and who will no doubt die in a matter of days or months, it is wrong to abort Kim's child. I know Satan has corrupted the minds of society to believe that we are not beholden to anyone for the choices we make, that we have rights as individuals, and no responsibilities to God or our fellow man; but the fact of the matter is that Kim's decision to have sex in the first place means that she must face the consequences of the decision, regardless of the threat to her life. Sex is dirty and sinful unless it is meant for producing children, and by succuming to our animal instincts we must be ready for the consequences or face the wrath of God.