Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ban Stem Cell Research and all other cell research

I am a lover of life. I believe that human life is the most important thing in the world. Therefore, I am against anything that would destroy human life in the name of "science" and "research." Therefore, I am adamantly opposed to stem cell research because it involves the taking of human life in order to support sime evil, grisly scientific experiment to be carried out by some immoral scheming scientist in some horrible lab. Therefore, I believe that all stem cell research should be banned -- and not just embryonic stem cell research, but ALL stem cell research!! It is appaling to me that we would use precious stem cells for various lab experiments and what not! Well, you may wonder: "Why can't we use stem cells for research as long as they are not embryonic stem cells?" My answer to that: STILL UNACCEPTABLE!! Because, my dear misguided people, stem cells are still stem cells, even if they are not embryonic stem cells! If a stem cell is not an embryonic stem cell, does that make it no longer a stem cell?? I certainly thank not!! Therefore, you should clearly see how the use of any stem cells for science and research is so very wrong! So very wrong indeed! This argument should not be questioned or doubted - period!

Now, lets take this one step further. What about the human cells that are not stem cells? What about these cells? Are they not a form of human life? Of course they are! They are life! And they are Oh So Precious! They are Oh So Very Precious! Therefore, they must not be used for any form of research! Do you want to be a part of the culture of life? Then you must oppose the use of human cells for scientific research - period! You may feel that this position is unreasonable - Well Tough! Because it does not matter what you "feel". What do you think life is? Some kind of "new age" therapy session, where we all talk about how we "feel", so that we can try to justify, using Satan's "logic", that it is OK to use human cells, created by God, for grissly scientific research? NO! The only thing that matters is what's in the bible, and the last time I checked, the bible does not condone the taking of human life. The bible does not make any kind of distinction between human life as a whole or the human life that is inherent within our individual cells. Therefore, we must stop this insanity of using human cells for scientific research. I have much more to write on this subject later on, including my public condemnation of a young boy I know of, who is afflicted with juvenile diabetes, and he has the horrible audacity and the absolute selfishness to "wish" that stem cell research will expand, so that a cure "might" be found to a condition which almighty God WILLED him to have!! Unbelievable!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

These things which I believe - a poem of inspiration

I have written this poem as a special gift to all of my followers. This may very well be one of the greatest inspirational poems ever written. I hope that when you read it, it will give you the strength to hold fast unto those things which you so Truly Do Believe!

These things which I believe,
These things which I believe,
What are these things?
These Things that I believe.

These Things that I believe,
These things that I believe,
Freedom - one of the many,
The many things that I believe.

What are these things?
These things that I believe,
Life is a thing,
In which I do truly believe!

These things that I believe,
These things that I believe,
What are these things?
These Things that I believe.

What are these things?
These things that I believe,
Prayer is a thing,
In which I do truly believe!

What are these things?
These things that I believe,
Old-Time Morals are things,
In which I do truly believe!

Let us pray for the things,
In which I do believe,
Because they are these things,
These things which I believe!

Why must we pray,
For the things that I believe?
Because they are these things,
These things that I believe!

Let us believe,
In the things that I believe.
We must always believe,
In the things which I believe.

There are are very certain things,
Certain things that I beleive.
And they are different than other things,
Which others may believe!

These things which I believe,
These things which I believe,
These are the things,
These Things which I believe.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Women For Jesus Make Babies

I found this article very disturbing, and it is yet another example of Catholic craziness. While dedication to Jesus is almost always a beautiful and worthy thing, a woman declaring her eternal virginity is misguided at best, for it is, of course, a woman's duty to bear a man many children who she can then raise in the way of the Lord. Certainly this consecrated virginity is a Satanic plot. Catholic priests, I think, are brainwashing women that would otherwise normally be true servants for the Lord. I can't imagine what Satanic rituals they must perform, but it would not surprise me if the priests preyed on especially ugly and fat -- and therefore lonely -- women. As is a proven fact, such women are susceptible to all sorts of temptation, which is why it is the duty of all good Christians to be especially protective of such women. We Christians should form support groups where we dedicate ourselves to finding the lonely women men who can rule over them in a manner appropriate to building a stable family and truly loving Jesus.