Friday, August 25, 2006

Arrogant Judges

I detest arrogance of any kind. I believe that arrogance is one of the most contemptable of all human vices. That is why I detest most judges in this country. They are arrogant. They are openly contemptuous of our rights and freedoms. They are on a reckless Satanic rampage. I remember clearly (but not fondly) my day in court several years ago, when I tried to seek intervention by the District Court to prevent the building and starting up of a morally suspect business called "Sweet Treats Creamery". Now I won't elborate too much on what moral depravities were likely to occur in this store, except to say that the "goings on" in stores that have the word "creamery" in their name are likely to be too horrible and depraved to repeat here!! Stores like this should never have been permitted to operate in a family town. Unfortunately, due to the arrogance of the district court judge, my request for court intervention to prevent this depraved business from starting up failed, and, as a result, I can no longer drive directly to church along the primary road because this business happens to be located on the primary road. Instead I have to take a long and drawn out detour that takes me all the way around town so that I don't have to pass by this store. This detour is needed to ensure that I am NEVER within 10 miles of this store! I feel that by always keeping this safe distance away from the store, I am sufficiently protected from ever seeing or hearing any of the discusting, wicked, depraved acts that are likely to be occuring therein!

My day in court to try to prevent this store from going into business was not one that I remember fondly. The judge arrogantly stated that my contention was groundless and had no legal merit. "How Dare You!!," I responded. I then started to quote bible verses in the hope that if the judge was a good Christian man, he would see the error of his ways and repent before me that minute! Sadly, this evil arrogant man rejected my arguments further by ordering me to stop quoting the bible. He said that "his courtroom is no place for bible readings." The court is no place for bible readings?? What horrible evil arrogance! What has happened to our judicial system? Of all places the courts should be among the most necessary places for bible readings, as our laws should be based on the moral standards set forth in the bible. Sadly this arrogant judge refused to be taught the error of his ways, and he had the audacity to cite me for contempt! As a result I had to pay a 100 doller fine! I was outraged beyong belief! I hope that all of you reading this share my outrage.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Freedom isn't Free

Anyone who knows me knows that there are two things in the world that I love more than any other earthly thing: Life and Freedom.

I am both a lover of life and a lover of freedom. I am a lover of life because I believe that life is Oh So Very Precious! I am against the taking of innocent life through abortions, stem cell research (ALL stem cells, NOT just embryonic stem cells), and any other form of research that might damage living human cells, even if they are not stem cells. That is why most biological research must be banned, because it could damage precious living human cells!

I am a lover of freedom because I know what’s at stake in the post 9-11 world. I am a lover of freedom because I understand that those who disagree with President Bush’s policies in the war on terror should be silenced and liberal activists should be locked up. I understand that freedom is a very beautiful and precious thing, so precious that we must preserve it like a jar of delicious wholesome preserves by silencing those who are outspoken in their criticisms of President Bush’s War on terror and the spreading of freedom in the middle east. Let me further elaborate on this analogy: Freedom is like a jar of wholesome blackberry preserves, and therefore it must be sealed and contained lest it be exposed to the elements and turn rotten. Therefore, just like the jar of wholesome preserves it is imperative that people are not permitted to espouse liberal subversive ideas. People who do this must be locked up so that true Christian freedoms may be preserved just like the jar of wholesome blackberry preserves. When we allow liberals to criticize the decisions of our president, we are in a since, exposing freedom to the evil ways of the world, and then the freedom starts to become rotten and evil, and then freedom has mutated from an instrument of God into an instrument of the Devil. In order to prevent this, and prevent the questioning of our Christian leaders, most people need to become like little children, and the Christian leaders must be like harsh fathers to these disobedient and misguided children. We must amend our laws and our Constitution to accommodate this. Anyone who doesn’t understand this doesn’t understand what freedom is all about.

I also want to again emphasize that I am filled with love for each and every one of you, and it is the love that a father has for his disobedient, misguided children. That is why I choose to bring you my messages because they are messages of love and hope. I am, in a sense like your father, and I pray that there will come a time when you think of me as such.

Friday, August 11, 2006

The White House Loves Armageddon

This is a must read. I'm so happy about the situation, I thought I'd put the article up before I had time to comment on it. I'll be addressing the issue sometime in the near future.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Punishment Chair - (when whippings are not enough!)

Well, you all know that I am an ardent supporter of whippings and corporal punishment for disobedient children - both in the home and in the school! However, there are times when whippings just aren't good enough! For the truly troubled children, we need to be more innovative in our punishment techniques. It is ridiculous to think that corporal punishment of troubled children should be restricted to only lashings and cannings with hickory switches and sticks! - Even if that includes belts and whips!!! No no no!!! We must be far more comprehensive. The definition of corporal punishment is not just whippings, lashings, spanking, and cannings. Corporal Punishment, broadly defined, means any type of punishment that is meant to inflict physical pain. Therefore, we must get beyond whippings and such and consider other ways of inflicting pain on troubled children, so that the devil may be forced from them and they may be saved from eternal hellfire!

A particular punishment that I have thought up recently is more harsh than mere whippings or cannings, and therefore, it could be used for the most disobedient children and the ones who are truly troubled. It is called the punishment chair. Do you know about the electric chair? It was used for putting criminals to death! Well the punishment chair is similar to the electric chair. The key difference is that it may be built to smaller sizes so that it can accompany children, and the operating voltage is significantly lower so that it will not kill. However, it will inflict a great deal of pain! A standard sized electric chair can also be used as a punishment chair. However, the voltage must be kept low enough such that it won't result in death - only intense pain. As for the sizing - If a standard size electric chair is used, then books, bricks, pieces of wood, or a booster seat should be placed on the seat of the chair so that the child is seated high enough for his head to be placed in the Helment that is lined with a wet sponge, so that the electric current can be conducted through his body. As for the strength of the current, the current passing through the body must not be high enough to cause death, but it should cause intense pain. That is the reason the operating voltage must be kept sufficiently low, so that the electric current passing through the child's body is not too strong. As for the duration of the punishment - It must be long enough such that that the child learns his lesson! If the punishment results in unconsciousness before the child learns his lesson than the child must be woken up, and the punishment must continue! If the punishment results in blood seeping from the eyes, than so be it! If this occurs, then the punishment must be discontinued until the child recovers from the injury, and then the punishment must be continued until the child learns his lesson. How do you know when the child learns his lesson? That is when the child recants his misdeeds and acknowledges his sinful nature, and pledges to commit himself to the Lord, Jesus, and promises to become a good child from that day forward! That is the way that we can deal with truly troubled children! This may seem somewhat harsh to many of you. Well, I contend that, for some children, it is impossible to simply spank or even beat the devil out them. For some children we must inflict true excruciating pain to force the devil from them. I acknowledge that hopefully this applies to only a small segment of our youth. However it must be considered as a final solution for those children who are truly troubled and influenced by the devil!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

George W. Bush - A Poem Celebrating Our Nation's Greatest Leader

I have become quite disturbed recently about the fact that many accross the country are starting to doubt the leadership of our country's greatest president - President George W. Bush. It is unacceptable to question the leadership and policies of President Bush. Those who do question or doubt the leadership, policies, and/or decisions of President Bush are treasonous and seditious. They are providing aid and comfort to the enemy in the War on Terror. They should be brought up on charges of treason and sedition and should be sent to detainee camps in Guantanimo Bay or elsewhere. I am neither treasonous nor seditious. I stand by our President, and pledge my unwavering allegiance to him. For this purpose, I have composed a poem:

Stalwart, Strong,
Faithful and true,
You are our President!

Your leadership,
Like a shining beacon,
The ship as it passes,
As it passes through the night,
Is guided to safe harbour,
Guided to harbour by your glorous light!

Unwavering and strong,
Stalwart in your ways,
You are resolute!
You do not back down!

Your leadership,
Like a glorious angel,
The angel of truth,
The truth and the light,
Shining - Oh so bright!
For all the world to see!

Stalwart and unwavering,
Uncompromising and resolute,
You know the only way!

You stand for freedom and light!
The freedom of truth,
The truth and the light,
You are the president who has the sight!
A sight that is set on the Final Fight!

We are engaged in a war,
A different kind of war,
A war on terror,
We will not falter,
We will not fail,
In the post-9-11 world!

A stalwart defender,
Of what is right and good,
Always determined - To do what is right!

Those who question,
Those who doubt,
They do not understand true freedom,
May their voices be silenced,
May they be permanently cast out!

You understand,
What is truly at stake,
Our morals and our values,
The enemy’s of freedom,
Will not take away these good old-time morals!
Our treasured values and freedoms,
Will continue to prosper,
In the post-9-11 world!

You will continue to stand up,
And defend our great land,
Against those who hate freedom,
Woe unto freedom haters!
Your time is at hand.

Stalwart, strong, and resolute,
May you guide our great nation,
Through treacherous waters,
Through the darkness of the night,
So, that we as a freedom-loving nation,
Will see a new light!

Because of you Mr. President,
We as a nation,
Will be guided to a new light,
A new light at the end,
Of the final fight!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Pat Robertson Is Dead to Me

Recently Pat Robertson, after years of seeing the light, knowing that global warming is nothing more than a hoax by the Devil, decided that the earth is warming up. His evidence -- a few days of really hot temperatures across America. Now I, like Pat Robertson, have always looked around me for signs from God about the ills that plague society. Like him, I knew the hurricanes devastating our coasts were a result of our country's support for gay marriage. I knew that feminism is a means for women to leave their husbands, kill their children and practice witchraft. But he is wrong about global warming. Three days of heat is evidence of nothing. Now I worry about the path my Christian right is taking, for it is inevitable that Mr. Robertson's newfound green-ness will inspire other good Christians misinterpret the signs from the heavens. For example, I've heard nothing about what God means be sending millions upon millions of jellyfish to infest our coasts. It's obvious that these jellyfish are the souls of the aborted come back to haunt us for our allowing abortion. Just look at how they resemble placenta. The ocean provides sustanence for we humans, but slowly, as the souls of the aborted accumulate and accumulate, our way of life will be stolen from us just as we steal the lives of the unborn. But Pat Robertson has yet to make any comment on the matter. His time, I'm afraid, has run its course. America will be visited by all kinds of punishment and he will blame it global warming, denying us the advantage of a kind of heavenly early warning system. We good Christians, I'm afraid, are on our own.

Shame on You!

Although this article is against such punishment, I was pleased to see that at least some judges have abandoned the idea of being activists and have instead taken on their proper role of punishing those that commit crimes. And not just your normal, run of the mill punishments either, but those that include shame -- a necessary ingredient to any punishment that is meant to reform wrongdoers and sinners into good, God-fearing people. Unfortunately, even these great judges seem to have forgotten to include the other thing necessary to teach the evil a lesson: pain. For it is pain that truly puts the fear of God into those tempted to sin, and it was pain and suffering that founded this country. Yes, Christopher Columbus was truly a great man, discovering America, beginning the slow but unstoppable progress of manifest destiny, and cutting off the noses and ears of thieves. It was he that first brought the favor of God to this land, ridding it of heathen worship with disease, crushing sin with pain and suffering. It was because Europe, even by then, was so terrified of doing right by the Lord that he was eventually forced back to the Continent, stripped of all his titles; but it was he who had the last laugh, as now Europe is no longer taken seriously by the rest of the world and ignored by America. We Americans should heed this lesson of Europe. We too have begun to ignore the cries of God to punish those that sin against Him. And as a result, we are beginning to lose our influence on the world. Just look at the mess in the Middle East, just look at China's rise. But it is not too late. The judges who've taken it upon themselves to shame the crime-ful into submission are a start. But the cutting off of ears and noses, the public whippings and stonings, need to be re-instituted as well. Even our children need to be brought along the path of righteousness with such examples of shame, pain, and humiliation. Toddlers that cry too much need to be tied up (under strict supervision of course); kids that disobey need to be sent to the whipping room for lashes. Of course all of this needs to be tempered with the Love of God, which is why mandatory Bible readings should be a part of our every day lives, given to us in schools, on the street, during work.