God bless the Tea Party. God Bless all Tea Baggers
Dear readers,
I would just like to write a short post expressing my support for the Tea Party and all Tea Baggers. They generally seem to be good Christian folk who support old time values and smaller government. Thank You ever so much fellow Tea Baggers. I do hope that you keep up the wonderful Tea Bagging. When Tea Bagging, make sure that you are Tea Bagging for Jesus, because He is your Lord and Savior! Tea Bagging is an ever so lovely way to worship Him and express your love for Him.
When the end times are upon us, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation, there will be a great rature of Christian souls, followed by a great tribulation. Then, Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, in all His Glory, will return to earth on a White Horse, for the final battle of Armegeddon, at which, he will defeat Satan and the antichrist, the false prophet and all the legions of Darkness for all time. They will be cast into the Lake of Fire, along with all sinners who have not been saved, because they have not been faithful in their teabagging. And then, he will reign in Heaven for ever and ever, along with all the faithful teabaggers, and there will be a great celebration of the glorious triumph of good over evil, and that celebration will consist of lots and lots of teabagging for Jesus. He will sit up high upon a great throne in heaven, where He will recieve His teabagging servants one by one to come up to the throne to worship him. The teabaggers will come up to the throne and sit at his feet, where they they can worship Him and express their love for Him personnaly, and they will be closer to their Lord and Savior than thay ever dreamed possible. And there will not be any limit to the amount of tea bagging He can receive because He is the Lord, and He is all powerful and He will reign in Heaven for all eternity. Praise Be!!!