Women With Guns Get Raped
I love the military and our hero soldiers because they risk everything to protect this wonderful Christian nation. Every man that signs up to fight for America's freedom to worship the Lord Jesus Christ is a hero and will, upon death, be praised by God for living such a righteous existence. That is, of course, as long as the soldier is a Christian, which he most likely will be if news reports are correct. But there is another reason I love the military: it is a microcosm of the order of things. Order and discipline are to be respected, and non-Christians are reprimanded. And now I've just read this: women in the military are treated as sexual objects. If you read the article, it interviews dozens of women who claim to have been sexually assaulted by our heroes and states that sexual assault and harassment are rampant in the military. I'm sure many people will react with outrage; however, those who are effected in such a way have embraced feminism and deny that women's' natural place is in the home rearing children and serving her husband. Luckily, in the military, where soldiers scoff at liberal attempts to rearrange the natural of order of things because our boys are threatened every day by evil Muslims and don't have the luxury of placating lesbians of feminists (unless they want to die), we have a bastion of goodness and wholesomeness. So, while corrupt senators and other political leaders -- tricked by the evils of witchcraft -- may force women upon the military, our soldiers are intelligent enough, Christian enough, and brave enough to put them in their place. For it is a crime against nature and God to have women serving in the military, driving tanks, carrying guns, etc. etc.. Women who insist on offending God deserve the leers and gropes, and all should remember such things would never happen if the women were at home serving their men.